We offer three levels of editing services.
Light editing focuses on grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Content editing addresses these issues along with style, concept development, and flow.
Collaborative editing adds the element of content enhancement. Examples of this would be the addition of relevant quotes, resources or data, interviews, etc. This level often addresses dialogue or fills out the narrative more completely.
Editing fees vary based on the level of edit requested and a review of the author's content. A sample of writing must be submitted and reviewed in order to receive a quote. Editing services generally range between $0.05 - $0.08/word.
Ghost Writing services are also available. This process is unique to each situation. A discovery interview is required to determine if author and ghost writer are a good fit for one another. A writing services contract would be shared at the time of the interview.
Wendy Walters has helped more than 100 authors launch their first book, with many going on to publish additional books and leverage their publishing platform to build a coaching or speaking career, promote a business, or expand a ministry influence. Several have attained Best Seller status on Amazon as well as some being picked up by major publication houses.
She is skilled at helping an author know how to write a book people will want to read as well as what type of publishing opportunity is right for you.
She offers the opportunity to review a portion of your manuscript and follow up with a personal call offering critique, encouragement, and strategy.
The fee for this service is $299 and requires the author to submit a Word document containing their title and subtitle (if known), a brief synopsis of the manuscript, the table of contents, and two sample chapters. If your target audience is known, please share that (or Wendy will help you with this during your consultation).
This service may be requested by contacting admin@wendykwalters.com.
Palm Tree Productions assists you with taking your book from a raw manuscript to a finished, polished, published work you can be proud to present.
Some of our publishing services include:
There are several types of publishing. To determine which one is right for you requires understanding your publishing goals and which type of publishing is best able to meet those needs.
Quality, professionalism, excellence, and support are our values.